Paragon the green cleaning company
health and safety

Health and Safety

In line with our legal obligations, we are committed to stringent health and safety policies and procedures.

Regular monitoring, reviews and improvements to reduce risks that might arise while carrying out our tasks, are an essential part of our strategy.

Our staff are introduced to health and safety procedures as early as the application process. They receive full training, following our policies and procedures, during their induction.

Each member of staff receives an ecopy of our health and safety handbook, which contains guidance and regulatory information. Its purpose is to make sure everyone carries out their duties with consideration for the health and safety, and wellbeing of themselves and others.

We provide staff with continuous health and safety training using online programmes, which also allow us to pick up on knowledge gaps. Further training and support is given as needed.

Before we start a cleaning contract we carry out on-site risk assessments.

All our cleaning equipment has a maintenance programme and is PAT tested annually.

"Michelle is a professional and provides a superior and conscientious cleaning service that cares and always goes the extra mile. I highly recommend her commitment in providing assistance to my role within various companies as Facilities Manager."

Laura Braley, Facilities Manager (UK)

Paragon health and safety compliant